Monday, December 10, 2007

Royal Military College wants more non-Malays. Really? Or is this another bull to counter Hindraf and genocide charges against the Malaysian Gamen?

This morning I was looking for stories on HINDRAF. I wanted to find out what happened to the Batu Caves 31 who were denied bail on trumped up attempted murder charge, and Uthayakumar (he sounds Ghandian to me!). Hindraf claims "ethnic cleansing", some agree, some don't. Hindraf claims "racism", again some agree, some don't. The BERSIH rally, and now the lawyers who arrested for the Sunday morning stroll. Then I came across this story. I was just tickled pink when I read this story in the NST today (online version of course, I don't buy the thrash). :

KUALA LUMPUR: The Royal Military College wants more non-Bumiputeras in its boarding school.

The move is to further promote unity between Malays and non-Malays.

Home Affairs Minister Datuk Seri Radzi Sheikh Ahmad said students would live in the same boarding school for two years.

"It is the best way to promote understanding among different races. They will share a room with someone from a different race.

"They will learn about their roommate's race, culture and religion," he said ....

Hahaha! Hahahaha! Hahahaha!

I fell laughing because, well because it was funny. Actually the subject matter is serious, but its funny how these bumis make it into something so noble, Mandela would be ashamed. Hahahaha!


There are two reasons why the non-malay population of RMC, and other residential schools, including Mara Juniour Colleges and Sekolah Sains are low:

  1. Malaysian government's racist policy
  2. The reluctance of parents
The first part is all well known. As a non-malay, the chances of entering these schools (with excellent facilities, good teachers and a promised entrance to the university - trust me I know 'cos I was a former student), is like striking a lottery! But you must understand the stated goals of these schools. For further info, you can look here. It is meant to increase the amount of bumi students getting quality education. In that it metamorphosizes into something else. And it is this the parents should be aware of, and indeed many are aware and decide not to send their or admit their children.

The reluctance of parents: As a former student, I can understand. Once you are in these schools, several things hits you right in the face:

  1. Semua melayu! Everywhere melayu. Everything is malay. Makan melayu, tidur keliling melayu, mandi dengan melayu (!), klas penuh melayu, main bola semua melayu...
  2. You are the TARGET! You'll be targeted for every mistake that happens. This will happen on the first day you are there. You will be scrutinised for everything. If you eat the wrong way, watch out when you are asleep! If you like to shower for a few minutes longer (for the melayu, 5 minutes is the longest time for a shower), watch out when you shower the next time!
  3. Do not pray! Do not even show an inkling of faith in your religion! YOU WILL BE TARGETED! This is no joke! My locker has seen some of the worse abuses, like urination, destruction and everything else, for keeping a small religious icon.
  4. Don't ever say anything about ANYTHING to the best (even the bestest!) malay friend. It will be used against you in the courts that convene after lights out! You will be punished.
  5. Don't ever, ever, ever, ever complain to the malay hostel warden! This'll prove to be the biggest mistake of your life!
Next, there are two things you must accept AT ALL TIMES when you are in (carcerated) there:
  1. Malays are supreme. They are your leaders and they make the law and give the orders. Don't ever think otherwise!
  2. Islam is the only true religion! And you better accept it, or else. Its the religion of peace or you are dead!
During classes, you must never challenge these "facts":
  1. Science classes: Are classes where Islam is "proven" to be the root of all knowledge. Everything (and I mean everything, don't you even think otherwise!) is based on Islam. I remember when the teacher was explaining about parasites, and the most famous parasite (Islamicly of course!) is Taenia soleum, the tape worm. This lowly worm is the "proof" that Islam is the truth! If you try to explain that its also found in beef, "its not that serious". If you explain that the people who eat are still the healthiest of peoples (Americans for instance) "Wrong statistics". LOL!
  2. History classes: All the best things are Islam, you and your religion(whatever you believe) is shit. Accepted history be damned! Everything is based on Islamic history. Your religion has nothing to do with anything good in this world. EVER! Try explaining that the Decimal Number System is not Islamic system at all, and watch the fireworks! LOL!
  3. Ugama classes: You must listen while your religion is derided as fake! Islam is the truth and everything else is completely and utterly false! All your religious practices are "jijik", "munafik", "shirik" and everything else thats bad in malay and arabic. If you get a chance to spent the time in the library, you are lucky! For one reason or another, Hinduism gets the bulk of the hate. Don't know why.
  4. etc. etc.
When its time for games (where I was, the time for games is 4.30 to 6.00 pm and its compulsory), accept that the captain of the teams must be melayu. The heroes of the games must be melayu. If any of you scores, don't show any outwardly happiness or emotions. It was just plain luck. But if the melayu scores, jubilation is a must! But you mustn't hug the guy or anything. Others will do it for you.

There are no routes for the non-malay, non-muslim to redress any issues that may arise, especially when your faith and race is thrashed. As a non-malay, non-muslim student, you must accept it!

Wanna send your kids now?

Friday, December 7, 2007

Hindraf and Ethnic Cleansing

I got this from the "letters" section of Malaysiakini, here:
From: A Keen Observer.
I want to see if my own experiences fit in into this persons view. My quotes are in bold.

I write in response to the vigorous denials by ruling politicians and some Malaysiakini readers towards Hindraf’s claims of ‘ethnic cleansing’.

Societies do not leap from being non-discriminatory and egalitarian to the outright killing and extermination of ethnic minorities overnight. It is an evolutionary process that starts in small steps.

The initial phase is usually innocuous. It starts off with seemingly "noble" intentions including positive discrimination in favour of the group in power on various justifications such as socio-economic restructuring. However, the rule of unintended consequences usually means that the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Once the perpetrators are allowed to get away with the initial measures, they can take it to the next level, including:

1. Restrictions on educational, employment and business opportunities for minority groups Yeap, this is indeed happening.

2. Restrictions on language, cultural and religious freedoms on minority groups (including restrictions on the building of places of worship and recent calls to remove crosses from Christian schools by a local politician pandering to his religious constituency) Plus, in Malaysian universities for instance, any outward display of religious icons, pamphlets or even congregations are not allowed. Muslims are, however, allowed to do anything they want.

3. Encouraging the migration or destruction of the intelligentsia, including independent media, who are usually the first to oppose such policies. They don't have to force or encourage really. Its a consequence, but now its looks like its a planned consequence.

4. Ethnic or race tagging when dealing with government agencies for example, the insistence that citizens must declare their race in government forms and policies. This has happened to me since I was born I think. It got worse during the school days, I suppose. Entrance exams to public institutions of higher learning is probably the most notorious. Some deserving, poor and of different "colour" are forever doomed.

In more advanced phases of this virulent condition, symptoms can include:

1. Ethnic or religious profiling in law enforcement. Statistics show the real story, I suppose. Percentage of Malaysian Indians incarcerated in Malaysian jails are in disproportion to the population.

2. Complete domination of the government civil service and armed forces by the dominant power’s group, beyond its population proportions in the general community. Again, numbers show the truth. I found this story of an Malaysian Indian recipient of the Pingat Gagah Berani (PGB - second highest award for valour)...He excelled in all his Military courses. He was a best student in an Intelligence course. He was not selected to go for an overseas, Advanced Intelligence Course in New Zealand, which was his heart’s desire. Another Officer with lower grades in the same course he had attended together was instead selected. That was a bitter disappointment for him, as he was the best student; he was bypassed for someone with a poorer grade. With a heavy heart he decided to leave the service....

3. The creation of underclasses and ‘ghetto-ed’ minorities

4. Outright religious persecution

5. Forced religious conversions

6. Vilification and demonisation of ethnic and religious minorities

7. The destruction of minority groups’ places of worship

8. Destruction of minority groups’ businesses

The Hitler- or Balkan-style "final solution" of outright killing and ethnic extermination usually takes years if not decades to happen. Ethnic cleansing does not require conscious planning by its perpetrators. The baser human tendency to divide our world view into "us" and "them" is enough to do the job. All it needs are populist or demagogue politicians who appeal to our false sense of racial patriotism (such as keris-waving politicians) and superiority.

Many ordinary German survivors of the Second World War struggled to come to terms with how they were foolishly-led by the Nazi regime into perpetrating some of the worst crimes against their fellow citizens. The ordinary German citizenry certainly did not start the 1930s with the outright ambition to rid the world of inferior races including Gypsies, same-sex couples and Jews. But by the end of 1945, over 20 million people perished as a result of the war, of which six to eight million were victims of race-hatred killings).

Yes, there is no ethnic cleansing of the Indian community in the sense of a "final solution" where outright killing occurs, as some of Malaysiakini readers have correctly pointed out.

However, no one rules out that the current and previous administrations’ policies, unwittingly or not, can become precursors to more advanced phases of ethnic cleansing. In fact, the political power base of the past and present administrations are based on the toxic twin ideologies of ‘Ketuanan Melayu’ and Islam ideology. It is extremely unlikely that the present administration can undo any of these policies without undermining its very own political power.

Hence, it is understandable why Hindraf has made these "outrageous" claims. When the final solution arrives, it is too late. Just ask the surviving African Sudanese refugees in Darfur or the Tibetan exiles today. It is too late to ask the hundreds of thousands of Tutsis who were killed in the Rwandan genocide, and the Bosnian and Croats killed in the Balkan wars. It is certainly too late to ask the millions of Jews, Gypsies and other minority groups killed by the Nazis in the Second World War.

I wonder if there are more instances.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Saya Seorang Pengundi Hantu...

I am just starting to blog. I can't write very well, since I am a pengundi hantu (ghost voter). BOOOOOOOOOOOO..... I can't seem to hit the keys properly...